Saturday, March 1, 2008


That is the only way to describe how I am feeling right now. This has been a wild, crazy, and super fun day. The weather here in OKC has been absolutely beautiful the past couple of days. The kids have been playing outside quite a bit which in return has made the inside of my house smell like a locker room. I am constantly burning candles and giving them baths. It's amazing how badly they smell...they are so little. If anyone has any suggestions about how to get rid of the smell I would appreciate it. It is worth it though. They love it and have so much fun.
Today was no exception. The weather was gorgeous. Chris has been getting tickets to the OU basketball games and alternates which child gets to go. Today it was Cooper's turn...he was so excited. I decided (along with about 50,000 other Oklahomans) to take the other three to the zoo. Today further solidified in my mind why when I take the kids someplace they wear the same color (to keep up with them). OH MY GOODNESS!!!! It was packed but we managed to see EVERY animal except for the snakes. I was not about to backtrack (for the 3rd or 4th time) to see them. Plus, they kind of freak me out, even if they are in a glassed cage...what if it was to break. It could happen.
Even Kaityn had a good time. She barked like a dog at every was quite funny. However, most of her time was spent eating snacks, trying to pull off her socks and shoes, and just babbling to anyone who would listen to her. Christopher wanted to see the "cantalopes" AKA antalopes. Kaibryn just kept saying, "Oh Mommy, look, how cute."
After the zoo and the game we went to see some friends who just had a baby, went to dinner with some other friends (we have lots of friends :) ) & went shopping. Might I say we got some GREAT deals. I'm sitting here with Chris as he is watching "Tommy Boy" for the millionth time...quoting lines and laughing. He keeps saying he'll quit BUT it is still continuing which is making me laugh.
This has been a great day. I am so thankful for GREAT weather and am looking forward to warmer weather when we can do this more often.
Now, I am going to bed...GOOD NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Grana said...

I am so glad you posted today! Popcorn was getting worried because it had been a while! He loves to read these posts! He loves looking at the pictures too! I hope you guys had fun at the zoo. It looks like you did!
I wish I could have been there to go and help you! It won't be too long now! Love ya!

mom2camo said...

Looks like ya'll had fun! I am impressed that you "braved" the zoo alone with the three of them! I have been loving this weather too...looks like we're supposed to get snow! tomorrow! Crazy weather!!

mom2camo said...

By the way, I'm now mom2camo...camo stands for chloe, addy, mabry and olivia!!! Love ya!

Mrs. Troop said...

Wow. The Zoo with three kids by yourself. You're brave! :-) Looks like you had fun.
We are coming out of the flu stupor over here and hope to be posting, again, soon. It's been crazy.
Take care!