Monday, February 11, 2008

Glad It's Monday...I think...

Well DNow weekend is over. Believe it or not it was fun and crazy at the same time. Chris had the 9th grade boys here at our house and I had 9th and 10th grade girls at my parent's house with me and the kids. The kids thought it was a big slumber party. There was alot of coming and going but they handled everything amazingly well. At times it was crazy - spilled chocolate milk on white carpet, a "sharpie" incident, the TV quit working, had Kaityn Mae's pictures made, and stuff everywhere. I can look back on it now and laugh.
My Chris had to remind me on several occasions this weekend to be flexible. I am such a planner and I like to know exactly how things are going to happen and several times this weekend I had to go with the flow which goes against everything in me. Hopefully I learned this a little bit.
I was able to attend the evening sessions which was nice. Grana watched the kids Fri. PM and then some good friends watched them Sat. PM. The Sat. evening session was amazing. God showed up in a way that I don't think I have ever experienced before. There are no words to describe what happened except for God showed up. The students and adults were on their faces broken before the Father. It was life changing for me and for many of our students. God is so good and loving.
Well, here it is Monday. It's 12:40 and it has been crazy. I've changed sheets, given haircuts, given baths, done some laundry, mopped the kitchen floor, straightened up rooms, fed children, changed a couple smelly diapers, have played a little and have made a quick trip to my favorite drink spot. I'm ready for bed but still have naps to give, school to teach, more laundry, vaccuuming, mopping wood floors, dinner to fix, children to love on, a husband to encourage, more laundry, diapers to change, books to read, lists to make, more laundry (notice a theme going on), make a couple phone calls, and watch a funny show "Jon and Kate plus 8" (it helps me realize that my life really isn't that chaotic). It may seem like I'm complaining. I'm not. I love this place in my life right now. My dad jokes sometimes that he sent me to OBU and spent all that money and now I'm just staying at home (he admits that it is worth it). He also know this is the only thing I have ever wanted to do. So, even though days are crazy and busy I love it. I might not get everything finished on my list but that's OK. I know I will get done what God wants me. All I have to do is seek Him first. So, if your Monday is busy and hectic I understand. I would encourage you to seek the Lord first and find out what He wants you to do. He might make us get away from our "to do list". So to put into words what my Chris says, "Just be flexible." God might have other plans. Wow!!! I'm preaching to myself right now...yikes!!!!


Lori Leigh said...

Hey girl! Sounds like my day! Right down to the parents sending me to OBU! ha! How is school going? We are doing okay. Somedays it seems like it takes a little more patience or organization than I have to give... but I wouldn't trade it for anything either... except maybe a week in Bora Bora.... ha!

Mrs. Troop said...

Great post!
Glad DN went so well - you are amazing to even do that!
The WORK of life is discouraging at times. But I wouldn't ever trade it. Except maybe this morning at 5 when I'd been up all night with the girls and the baby started crying. Even then, I think I'll stay. :-) Hang in there, Friend!